Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Alcoholism & Addiction

Alcoholism & Addiction

Many people have asked me to share my experience strength and hope with them as it relates to alcoholism and drug addiction.
I believe more is being revealed to me - even now.  It has been written that "people drink because they like the effect produced by alcohol."  I agree with this statement to the degree that I certainly enjoyed the effect  at some point.  It wasn't always like that.   

At first the effect was similar to being picked up and spun around - that dizzy light-headed feeling.  Certainly as a kid I had no control of the effects of being spun around or alcohol.  I had to become accustom to it and learned how to manage the feeling.  After all, drinking was a natural part of my life - as it was all around me and in my home.   

Toward the end of my drinking - it took more alcohol and drugs to get me stable and even more to get me tipsy and high.  It was illusive for sure.  Nothing ever really got me feeling good for very long.
It was the time in between the beginning and the end that I enjoyed the effect produced by alcohol - that was so short-lived and I didn't realize it until I embraced a spiritual way of living that was that has granted me a joy-filled life.  

This Labor Day weekend a group of 25 women are getting together to explore spirituality and 12-step recovery.  By sharing our stories and supporting one another we consciously create amazingly rich lives.  We are celebrating  life, releasing fear and increasing our conscious contact via prayer and meditation & fun in the San Bernadino Mountains.   

There is a spot for you!  You can be one of those 25 women by signing up today!  If you register before May 31st you get the early bird rate of just $199 - the best part is you can pay half now and reserve your bed for the entire weekend.  This rate includes lodging, 5 meals, all workshops, facilities and ground use.   

This is a great get-away weekend and most importantly a wonderful way to invest in your life.  For more information call The Revealing Center at 562.599.7000

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